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A positive school climate is tied to high or improving attendance rates, test scores, promotion rates, and graduation rates.
National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
Help pave a positive future
The United States is experiencing an obvious character crisis that will continue without scalable interventions, targeting children at an early age. The playground-to-prison pipeline continues to grow as less-than-desirable behaviors are modeled for young children every day. Criminal justice reformers and neuroscientists have acknowledged the best way to disrupt the playground-to-prison pipeline is to teach children to make better choices by developing self-awareness, self-regulation, and a commitment to connection and community.
Wired for kindness
Research shows that elementary schools, specifically in large urban areas, are in dire need of emotional health and wellness programs like Tacky Box to help students learn to process emotions, set and accomplish positive goals, show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Studies also show that when mental health programs are implemented, academic scores can increase by 11 points.

Light lift, high impact
However, most programs require implementation by teachers, who struggle with bandwidth and a challenging teaching environment, both of which have contributed to a nationwide teacher shortage. In addition, school district budgets continue to be slashed, and little funding is available for emotional health programs, regardless of the proven need.
Tacky Box is uniquely positioned to address these issues effectively in a manner that is a light lift for educators with high-impact results.

Supportive and relational discipline reduces teacher referrals and student suspensions, which improves academic and behavioral outcomes.
Department of Education / Impact of School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports
How you fit in
Tacky Box is seeking like-minded Corporate Partners. Depending on the tax-deductible contribution level, benefits may include category exclusivity, producer credits, logo placement and more. To request a meeting or simply learn more, please contact us!

In 2023, 70% of educators say students in their schools are misbehaving more now compared to the Fall of 2019.
EdWeek Research Center
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